Friday, October 06, 2006

Thankfully ...

I and the children will be leaving for the wedding tomorrow morning as planned originally. And also thankfully, I will not be attending this wedding naked.

First of all - although the children are not 100%, they are better and doc says they are not contagious - so they will be coming with. I did call around to see if someone here could keep them, but it could not be done. I really want to be at that wedding though, so with the doc's okay, we are taking them - which should be okay - they will stay in the hotel room with a sitter while we are out and will come in contact with no one aside from dh, myself, each other and babysitter!

Secondly - might I recommend everyone get a personal shopper? Let me just tell you, she was fabulous! Got my dress on the third try, fit me for a bra, found shoes, and jewelry (and contrary to dh's opinion, she told me I did NOT need to buy a new purse and no necklace was required with my dress, so she did not try to sell me more than I needed nor the most expensive thing in the store). I loved every moment of it. We had some time left so I even asked for her help to get a pair of jeans that fit - and she did! First try! I am so impressed. I hugged her at least twice and told her just how happy I was about everything. And really, if I may be not modest for a moment - I will look absolutely fabulous at the wedding! Yeah! I can't wait to go. Dh asked if all that I did was really necessary. Then I tried it all on for him, and he agreed, that yes, it was necessary and thought I looked fabulous as well! I am so excited ... things always go better when you feel good about how you look, so imo, this wedding should be great fun =)

Anyway, I am glad the kids are healthy. I have the car half-way packed already and 90% of everything else by the door ready to go. (But things like the cooler have to wait til the am) and the kids will want a few last minute items to bring with as well I'm sure.
But I can't wait to get away and go to this wedding ... but right now it is by far too late for me to be awake with what time I have to wake in the am ... so good night and good bye for a few days!

Thanks for sticking with me through all the venting, whining and complaining lately ... it really has been what I'd call some pretty cruddy days around here, but hopefully this is the start of some good days ahead!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Glad the kids are better and you found something fabulous to wear. Hope you have a fantastic time at the wedding.