Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Some very exciting news ....

Well, some maybe very exciting news on the horizon ...
It might not even happen, but someone told me today she wanted my in the delivery room when she had her baby! Now, her husband is semi-against this ... and I wouldn't want to be in there if he didn't want me there. But, I just truly feel honored! I think giving birth is a very intimate affair.
I know me personally, wouldn't want just anyone in the room with me. And so I feel like if she is saying she wants me to be there for her, to help her get through it all (she is trying for VBAC), well, I feel quite honored. Wow. And in the end, if it doesn't happen, I'm okay with that ... just knowing she was thinking about it makes me feel very special indeed!

Aside from that, today has been, well, a pretty gosh darn boring day frankly LOL! Not too much is going on here - I have finally finished the halloween costumes for the girls - not a moment to soon as the first party is tomorrow. ;-)

At some point today I had other things to type her, but I have been missing my brain all day today. I think it had something to do with babyboy wanting to play last night from about 12:30 to 2:30. Yeah, I'm a bit tired and not really with it right now!

Hopefully by tomorrow I can remember what else I wanted to say! LOL!

1 comment:

Smoov said...

I got to be in the delivery room with my best friend when her first child was born. It was one of the most amazing things I have done so far in life! I am hoping I get invited back for baby #2 in April :)