Friday, July 27, 2007

Post and ye shall receive ..

Well, not really, but it almost feels like that.
After posting yesterday (and spending several hours trying to locate the Heather I was searching for, somehow, I ended up finding her parents phone number through Fortunately for me they live at the same place they lived way back when, so I knew I was actually getting their number. If anyone could give me her number, it would be her parents, right?

So today, with shaking hands (literally) I dialed the number and politely asked to speak to one of them. Then I think it all came out in a rush "My name is XX XXX and I don't know if you remember me but we went to church together several years ago and your dd Heather has been on my mind and I'm trying to track her down. ::Big breathe:::
Fortunately, all of this did NOT scare them off. And her mom actually remembered me! She said they had spoken of me since I fell out of touch with Heather and she gave me her new number and a brief synopsis of the last 5ish years of her life! Then I talked to the mom about me for a few minutes. And called Heather!

Wow. Is all I can say. We chatted only briefly today (because I was calling her cell and she wasn't home) but we have plans to talk much deeper over the weekend. She is a mom now! (She was engaged last we talked) and her a little boy! She said thought of my often when she was pregnant and when her son was first born. First of all, I can't believe it was this easy to find her since yesterday I felt I hit a brick wall. Second, I am so excited she ever remembered me! But third, that she has actually thought about me the last few years? Wow. Blows me away completely. I can not wait to talk to her on Sunday. I can not wait to catch up and learn more. And hopefully this time, I won't fall out of touch (because that is what happened. I fell out of touch with her).

1 comment:

mama2dibs said...

I know the rush of that feeling. I just found an old friend through the same method. I only got an address though because he is male and I'm waiting for a response from him, but I'm glad I finally found him. :)