Saturday, May 26, 2007


Howdy everyone =)
Greetings from out of town ... we are here, near to St. Louis, for a birthday party/family reunion.
We are having a grand time so far. We arrived yesterday after a sort of long car trip. Little Man is not a fan of being in the car for more than a few hours or so, which doesn't bode well for a 5+ hour car trip. But we made it and we are in one piece!

I will be shutting this thing down in a few moments, but I wanted to say ...
Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day. Please, amidst all your celebrations, take a moment to remember what Memorial Day is all about. And also, take a moment to think about all those currently serving our country is such an honorable way. That is all I wanted to say to you, but I really hope that you do have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week!

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