Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Success!

Well, according to my girls, this has been "the best Christmas ever!"
What is funny to my dh and I about all of this is that we actually scaled way back from last year ... which just goes to show that they don't need a million and one things to be happy.
I have to say though, I completely agree with them - this has been the best Christmas ever. This christmas was very relaxing, very fun, there was a lot of time we spent together and just hung out with each other. And of course, there was plenty of time to hang out with other family members as well.
I just felt so incredibly blessed this Christmas - not because of the gifts (although I did get some very nice ones indeed) but it was because we had each other - we are all healthy - I love my family so much some days it feels that my heart may just burst!
It's been an incredible year for us over here truth be told. At one point I thought I'd never survive it, I didn't much like anything and had a huge chip on my shoulder. It was not a good place to be.
But now, things are going much better. I actually like my life and love my family again! I'm not ready to run far away as fast as I can (although I still enjoy little breaks away from it all!). I think the baby has grown and gotten easier in some ways - the big one being that he sleeps now. Granted, he has learned 1001 ways to make trouble in each room of the house, but at least I can sleep each night before dealing with it all!
The girls are fabulous, really getting along with each other most days, being helpful to me and learning things quite well. I am deeply in love with my husband. And can't wait to get into our very own home - to hang up pictures, to decorate, to have spots for everything! So fabulous.
I have a feeling that 2007 will be even more fabulous - which seems pretty hard to do at this point!
It's a good place to be in for us. Life is good. Very good.

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